Chiropractic Board of Australia - Search
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Check if your health practitioner is qualified, registered and their current registration status
8 search results for
  • Results match 1 of 2 terms

  • Past Consultations

    Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency
    Ahpra and National Boards are reforming the regulation of registered health practitioners who work in the cosmetics sector in Australia, to improve practice and standards,…
    Date published 4 June 2024
  • Past consultations

    Chiropractic Board
    Ahpra and National Boards are reforming the regulation of registered health practitioners who work in the cosmetics sector in Australia, to improve practice and standards,…
    Date published 27 May 2024
  • Collection statement for Notification (complaint)

    Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency
    We will not disclose personal information about a notifier to the practitioner without your consent.
    Date published 5 December 2023
  • Collection statement for Paramedicine Portfolio and Nursing and Midwifery Self-Check and Portfolio forms for the assessment of non-approved …

    Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency
    Ahpra will only do this where the entity seeking verification has given a legal undertaking they have your consent to this verification.
    Date published 1 January 2006
  • Collection statement for renewal forms

    Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency
    Ahpra will only do this where the person seeking verification has given a legal undertaking they have your consent to this verification.
    Date published 1 January 2006
  • Collection statement for application for review of conditions or undertakings forms

    Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency
    Ahpra will only do this where the person seeking verification has given a legal undertaking they have your consent to this verification.
    Date published 1 January 2006
  • Collection statement for application for endorsement of registration forms

    Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency
    Ahpra will only do this where the person seeking verification has given a legal undertaking they have your consent to this verification.
    Date published 1 January 2006
  • Collection statement for application for registration forms

    Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency
    Ahpra will only do this where the entity seeking verification has given a legal undertaking they have your consent to this verification.
    Date published 1 January 2006
Displaying results 8 of 8
Page reviewed 27/08/2015