Chiropractic Board of Australia - 2014/15 National Scheme annual report launched
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2014/15 National Scheme annual report launched

05 Nov 2015

The 2014/15 annual report: AHPRA and National Boards has been published.

The report details the work of the National Boards and AHPRA in implementing the National Registration and Accreditation Scheme over the 12 months to 30 June 2015.

There are now more than 637,218 health practitioners registered to practise in Australia, from 14 different professions, representing overall growth of 2.9% over the past year.

Chiropractic Board of Australia Chair Dr Wayne Minter AM said assurance, challenge and improvement in proportionate regulation remained the focus for National Boards.

‘As National Boards we strive to be a driving force for positive change and thought leadership in public safety and facilitating access to health services,’ Dr Minter said.

‘Our efforts continue to identify a range of activities to improve patient safety and the quality of regulation for health professions. This report helps to inform the public and health practitioners how we meet our objectives and responsibilities on their behalf,’ he said.

‘Information about each of these registered health practitioners is easily available to the community through the national online register,’ said Martin Fletcher, Chief Executive Officer of AHPRA.

‘Maintaining an up to date national register is one of the most important ways in which we protect the public.’

For the chiropractic profession, the report reveals that:

  • 4,998 chiropractors were registered at the end of June 2015, an increase of 3.2 per cent from the previous year 
  • 41 notifications (concerns/complaints) were received about chiropractors, a decrease of 48.1 per cent from the previous year (excluding NSW where there is a co-regulatory system)1 
  • 68 notifications were closed by the end of June 2015 
  • of the 68 notifications closed under the National Scheme, the Chiropractic Board of Australia determined: 
    • to take no further action or that the case was to be retained and managed by the health complaints entity in the relevant state or territory in 27 cases 
    • that conditions be imposed on a chiropractor’s registration in 14 cases 
    • to issue ten chiropractors with a caution, and 
    • one case resulted in cancellation or suspension of registration. 
  • the Board concluded a lengthy review, resulting in the approval of its revised profession specific standards: recency of practice, professional indemnity insurance, and continuing professional development, and 
  • on a number of occasions the Board and AHPRA undertook successful prosecutions of individuals who were holding themselves out to be chiropractors, but did not possess current registration as a chiropractor.  

The 2014/15 Annual Report includes a detailed report - including data - for the Chiropractic Board of Australia.

A media release about the report - with data across professions and jurisdictions - is published on the AHPRA website.

A report, which presents the data specific to chiropractic practice, will be published on the Board’s website before the end of the calendar year.

For more information

Download a PDF of this Media release - 2014-15 National Scheme annual report launched - 5 November 2015 (206 KB,PDF)

1NSW is part of the National Scheme but notifications about practitioners’ health, performance and conduct are handled by the HCCC and the NSW health professional councils supported by the HPCA.

Page reviewed 5/11/2015